Rainy days are here, and we are still quarantined.
And our kids are now very, very anxious inside the house, and with everything that is happening, we, the poor, still working with twice the stress parents, now have a situation in our hands.
BUT DO NOT FRET. We have a couple of suggestions for you to make quarantine home isolation-slash-prison for you, your kids, and every neighbor within ten meter radius.
First, you’ll need a kid. Toddler, preferably. Second, order your NoCough Patches right here. Third, patience. Fourth, patience. And fifth, (you guessed it), patience. Also, sixth is a bunch of pens, seventh are balls, and lastly, something that can take a kid's attention.
Before we do that, let us refresh ourselves as to why it is important to keep our kids off of unprotected areas and have them protected at all times. Here are some of the illnesses that they could catch during the rainy season.
- RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) Cough
Respiratory syncytial virus, commonly known as RSV, is a serious illness that can lead to other severe respiratory problems, including pneumonia, heart or lung failure, and more. RSV can be potentially life-threatening for infants whose airways are not fully developed, which can lead to choking and breathing issues. The symptoms of RSV can be similar to those of the common cold, but often the cough is chronic and includes thick yellow or green mucus.
Because RSV is a viral infection that cannot be treated with antibiotics, it’s important to take precautions to prevent your child from being exposed to it. Respiratory syncytial virus is contagious and transferred through contact with others. Never kiss your baby if you are showing cold or flu symptoms, and ensure that anyone who holds your child washes their hands before doing so. RSV can be contracted by any infant, but those who are born prematurely or who have problems with heart or lung function are especially susceptible to the illness. Keeping your child away from crowds, daycare facilities, and other children and adults who are showing signs and symptoms of a cold or the flu for the first few weeks after birth can prevent their chances of contracting RSV.
- Common Cold Cough
The common cold is, like it’s name, extremely common. While symptoms may be mild to moderate for most adults, infants with symptoms of illness should always be seen by a pediatrician. The most common symptoms of the common cold include a wet cough, runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, a fever, and congestion. Your child may also be less likely to follow their normal routine, including sleeping more, eating less, and being less active. All of these symptoms can also be an indication of other serious illnesses like influenza and whooping cough, so it’s always best to make an appointment with your child’s doctor if you notice anything out of the ordinary or detect a fever of more than 100°F.
- Bronchitis Cough
Following a cold or flu, bronchial tubes can become swollen and infected, which can lead to chronic or acute bronchitis. When bronchial tubes swell, it can make it harder for air and mucus to pass through. In infants whose lungs are not as strong and fully developed as adults, this can cause serious problems. If your child has a barking or raspy cough, this could be a symptom of bronchitis or of pertussis. Both require immediate medical attention.
- Acute Sinusitis Cough
The symptoms of sinusitis in infants and children can vary, but many experience severe cold-like symptoms, including a thick nasal discharge, chronic cough, swelling of the face, and a low-grade fever that persists.
- Hay Fever Cough
Hay fever and allergies can cause an itchy throat and dry cough in adults and children, but again, infants with underdeveloped lungs and respiratory symptoms may experience chest pressure and discomfort or trouble breathing from coughing, the blockage of airways, an inability to produce mucus that can become lodged in airways, and more. Your child’s pediatrician can determine whether or not his or her coughing is a symptom of chronic or seasonal allergies or if a more serious condition is to blame.
Now that we’ve touched those facts, let us now keep our kids busy so that they would not feel quarantined like a prisoner but an extended summer vacation!
Grab some pens, and NoCough patches. Let their imagination run wild and draw anything on the patches! Superhero emblems, rainbows, dinosaurs, anything! Best thing is, it will not affect the efficacy of the cough patches!

If you already have a lot of NoCough boxes stocked up, well good for you. But also, you can use them as bowling pins! Let the kid attempt a strike again and again and again and again and…..

Silently put a cough patch (or two!) behind his or her back, and count the minutes until he or she notices. Just hold your laugh because that might be a telltale for the toddlers.

If you did these things, let us know! Send as a photo and video and we will definitely post it on our socials!